I am so sorry to hear of the closing of so many shows, studios and cultural centers. Such as the closing of Le Reve show in Las Vegas. The true sadness is that in all of our maturity the world has never embraced entertainment as Art. It is just a vehicle for amusement. Entertainers are the most hard working people I know. Because they do not just get hired and punch the time clock. They have been learning, studying, rehearsing their craft for 10, 15 or 20 years before they get their first paying job. You can't just read a book and learn how to tug on the heartstrings of an audience. Artists are individuals who have invested their life's soul in their passion. It is something that cannot be taught but must be experienced to be learned. Show people are members of an exclusive group. The group that no matter the individual talents, they work as a team. They never stand in the light without recognizing all in the shadows who help the show to appear so magical. It saddens me that hundreds of Artists are questioning their value, should they have gotten an obvious job. Now so many will be left alone without the "company" to feed their soul. This world cannot live without the soul of entertainers. Just as it cannot live without the music. What if your television, video game or phone just turned off. Dp you feel that Jolt? Thank you to the Artists we have met and the little artists studying magic, taking dance lessons, playing the scales in music class to become one of those chosen to entertain. Don't let the lights going out plunge us into darkness. Artists who now transition to a different world keep those toes tapping, keep reaching for your stars. You make the world a brighter place and we can't live without you. To each and every one of you...Bravo. Standing Ovation. Do not ever underestimate the passion, drive and determination of the creative soul. The curtain is down but it will rise again. A sad, sad day;
- ginnymurphy8